About the Cook’s Digest

Hi, my name is Adam and I love to cook. Mainly bread, Vietnamese food and anything that can be conceived on a Big Green Egg.

An expedition to Vietnam a few years ago turned out to be a life-changing experience as far as culinary endeavours are concerned. Prior to this, I shied away from cooking, sticking with the simple stuff … roasting a chicken, cheese on toast, that sort of thing. And I could still screw those up from time to time.

It was a singular event in Halong Bay that both broke down my preconceptions of, and ingited my passion for, cooking. Since then, cooking has progressed from something to be avoided into a hobby and now this blog.

Mi Quang from Da Nang, Vietnam

In this blog, I aim to share with you the fun I had learning that cooking is quite achievable. Each recipe will have tips and tricks, along with the utensils needed, to make a successful meal. Where appropriate, I’ll also highlight the books that have been so useful to becoming a reasonably successful, amateur cook.

There’s also the occasional blog post on other topics, such as photography, travel and wildlife. I love cooking, however there is richness in variety.

Now to get back into the kitchen (or Big Green Egg) and cook something. I’ll leave you with a picture of the first successful “loaf” of bread that I made after returning from Vietnam. It got a lot better after this, but heck I had to start somewhere, we all do.

Good luck and cook on!

The first loaf of bread ... and the start of the journey
© Adam Flint and thecooksdigest.com/.co.uk 2016-18. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and … blah blah blah

I’m happy to share what I write, it’s why I started the blog in the first place. I’ll appreciate it if you post content, be it text or pictures, from The Cook’s Digest elsewhere to give credit where credit is due (to me and the blog).

Photographs from The Cook’s Digest

Unless clearly marked, e.g. with an Amazon logo, all photographs in this blog are taken by either myself or my wife. Normally my wife, she’s a great photographer. This is one of her best pictures, reverse seared ribeye steak:

Reverse-seared steak with an even level of done throughout